

Lynn and April Ford

Pastor Lynn began attending Hebron in June of 2019 and took the role of interim pastor. He and his wife April joined the church on May 8, 2022. Soon after, Lynn became Hebron’s bi-vocational pastor. He and April have three grown children: Kyle, Kristi, and Katie, as well as five grandchildren: Logan, Kylyn, Wylie, James, and Wilbur.

Children and Youth Director

Jennifer Calhoun

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Jennifer is the Youth & Children Director at Hebron. She quickly joined in to help once she started attending Hebron in June 2019! By April 2021, Jennifer was teaching the youth class, but soon passed the torch to her son Alex in September. Now she enjoys organizing events, chaperoning, and watching her children minister to others!

Music Director

Shon Morris


Kathy Woods

At age 9, Kathy began playing the organ/piano in her home church. Born in Woodruff, she married Harry Woods and moved down to Union, which is when she joined Harry in attendance at Hebron (May 1984). She’s been playing the organ/piano at our church for 40 years! She’s held a multitude of roles during her time, some of which include: Chairman of the Social Committee, Leader of the Joyful Hearts, and WMU Director Church Financial Secretary.


Sheila Bates

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